So it happened!
ROAVR went to the BAFTA's and what an experience it was!
I have to admit though, the drive down wasn't particularly fun!
For starters there was the rain rain, rain and more rain but that didn't dampen our spirits as team ROAVR descended on Glasgow's Doubletree by Hilton.
The champagne made up for it though... we were riding the crest of a Tattinger fuelled wave...
I've got to be honest though my head is still a little sore!
I won't bore you with all the details but Wild Rose won best Film...
...and Murder Case Best Factual... most awesome news!
Special thanks go to Matt at Firecrest for having us along on Murder Case, it was a privilege and great to watch him receive his award for directing the series.
One final thing... in case you missed it... go check out our new work for Ridley Scott Associates...
M O N S T E R H U N TE R is online now!
So if you have a make or break shoot coming up and want a fully prepared BAFTA winning drone crew to assist... drop me a line and jump on that bandwagon.
Until next time.
Matt [proud of the team] Harmsworth